To Pay Your Water Bill, click here.
Nicor Gas Meter Modernization, click here for more information.
Nicor Gas Meter Modernization, click here for more information.
On behalf of the Benson Village Board and myself, we would like to welcome everyone to the Village of Benson, established in 1873, with a population of 420 people. The Village Board encourages the residents of Benson to attend our meetings held on the first and third Mondays of every month at 7:00 p.m., at the Benson Village Hall, located at 412 Front Street. Please feel welcome to bring your concerns and ideas to the board to better our community.
The Village of Benson continues to provide emergency services through the Benson Ambulance service and the Benson Fire Department. The Benson Junior Women’s Club continues to thrive hosting many activities throughout the year for kids and adults alike. Also, the Benson American Legion is going strong with the help of the Sons of the American Legion. The American Legion is host to many events throughout the year and has a breakfast on the third Sunday of every month. We would also like to invite everyone to visit our Historical Museum located at the Village Hall. The museum has a wealth of history about Benson’s early years. Come to our beautiful park located on the east side of town and enjoy the amenities it has to offer. We have recently installed many new pieces of playground equipment and new outdoor charcoal grills. We are home to the Roanoke-Benson Jr. High Rockets! We are very proud of our school in our community. The four churches in Benson are wonderful places to worship on Sunday mornings. Every year, during the Christmas season, a pastor from one of the churches will address residents at the Benson American Legion for a community sing-a-long. A visit from Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus afterwards is a hit with the kids! This website also provides more information about our community, local businesses, schools, and recycling center, along with information for contacting the Village Board and the Benson Water Department. You can also view past board meeting minutes, agendas, and recently updated ordinances. In closing, I would like to thank everyone for making Benson a terrific community! |